Monday, October 18, 2010

Trying Something New

So she's back again, one of our close friends and fellow blogger is on her journey in finding her inspiration. Doing whatever makes her happy and what makes her shine. Her second love is poetry, free style poetry to be exact. Singing, dancing, and poetry is all a great package. This post wasn't just for her, but it is to motivate all our readers to do what they feel is best for them. Do what makes you happy, its your ife so why not live it  with excitement and variety!

Check out Patrice's first publicly freestyle poetry:

To contact Patrice here is her facebook page:!/profile.php?id=713482012

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Put A Smile On

There will be times when you feel like just giving up. Not trying any more wouldn't be an option, simply not caring any more. At those times its best to put a smile on. No matter what your going through, don't let your personal life be shown when its not needed. Don't let people know automatically that something is wrong with you, even though you know you are going through an emotional situation. It's best to handle your own situations with a smile on your face because life will go on. Put a smile on when your depressed, put a smile on when your stressed out, put a smile on when your just not feeling yourself. Always remember just Put A Smile On!

Daily Quote: Strength

"Failure will never overtake you if your determination to succeed is strong enough."

- Og Mandino