Saturday, January 22, 2011

Finds Out

It's all good and well when you have close friends that you can confide with and grow a close relationship with. But when you find out that they have negative things to say behind your back or have the wrong impression of you, then there is a problem. You would think that someone that knows you so well would take time out to get to know who you really are as a person. For them to go around and spread something your not is wrong. For a person so close to you to not trust you is wrong. So when it comes down to the time of you becoming aware of what's being said about you. Or finally finding out what people say about you, it can hurt. Not only does it hurt but it bring you down, it is somewhat embarrassing, due to you thinking you were close to that person as well. Always remember, Friends is just a fancy and sugar coated word for people that can back stab, lie, cheat, degrade and hurt you.
God is Love.